

Embarking on my second Ramadan journey at AD Communications, I’ve come to appreciate the delicate interplay between religious commitments and professional responsibilities. In the upcoming blog post, I’ll share my personal insights on achieving a harmonious work-life balance during the holy month and how the adoption of a hybrid work model has proven to be a game-changer.

Author: Rayyan Rabbani

As the crescent moon graces the sky, heralding the beginning of another sacred month of Ramadan, I find myself reflecting deeply on the intricate balance between my spiritual journey and professional responsibilities. Stepping into my second Ramadan while working at AD Communications, I feel compelled to share my personal insights on navigating the harmonious integration of religious devotion with the demands of a modern career.

Ramadan coincides with moments of deep personal significance for Muslims, providing solace during challenging periods. It’s a month where I consciously let go of habits prohibited in Islam, such as listening to music, in favour of spiritual pursuits, with the aspiration of implementing change beyond Ramadan. Due to its tie to the lunar calendar, Ramadan progresses each year, advancing approximately 10 days earlier than the previous year. Ramadan is now transitioning from spring into winter. There was a time when my fasting hours extended from 3 am to breaking the fast after 9 pm—lasting a staggering 18 hours! Currently, fasting hours have reduced to around 13 hours, making it more manageable. However, shorter fasting periods mean grappling with sleep deprivation and a day filled with engagements, including Taraweeh (the night prayers which last around two hours), leaving little time for rest.

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Juggling remote work three days a week and office attendance twice weekly at AD Communications facilitates the delicate equilibrium of honouring religious obligations while meeting professional responsibilities. Fortunately, AD Communications embraces flexibility during Ramadan, facilitating both workflow and religious observances, including providing ample time for breaking fast.

A Tapestry of Tradition

The initial days of Ramadan bring a mixture of excitement and the nervous feeling of hope. The predawn call to prayer breaks the silence, signalling the time for suhoor, the pre-dawn meal. The aroma of home-cooked dishes fills the air, infusing the early hours with warmth and anticipation mixed with the exhaustion of sleep deprivation. As the work day comes to an end you find yourself tasked with preparing for iftar. As the sun sets, the call to prayer once again fills the air, marking the end of fasting and inviting loved ones to gather for iftar (the post-fast meal at sunset).

A sweet Palestinian Medjoul date with a cold glass of Rooh Afza (an IndoPak concentrated squash that can be mixed with cold water or cold milk) is the way we love to open our fasts at home. With a sense of determination, I take those first few bites, knowing that this ritual fuels not only my body but also my resolve. These sensory experiences vividly paint the richness and beauty of Ramadan—a time for introspection, gratitude, spiritual renewal and togetherness. The traditions of Ramadan give me an inner strength that spills into my workday, allowing me to power through challenges with focus and renewed spirit


During sluggish afternoons, doubts may creep in regarding the balancing act between professional duties and spiritual commitments. I come across times where I feel my eyes slowly shutting and my brain battling to stay switched on. It’s these moments when fasting feels most difficult, the sleep deprivation far outweighing any pangs of hunger. But then, I remember the sweet date that awaits me at iftar, its mere image restoring a flicker of energy. Ramadan reminds us that challenges are integral to growth and renewal. It is through perseverance and faith that I discover the inner strength to overcome these moments, both in my spiritual life and my professional duties. 

The Empowerment of Working during Ramadan:

My first Ramadan at AD introduced me to a new experience of hybrid work, allowing for a delicate balance. In contrast, my previous role in retail lacked flexibility and left me feeling drained and constrained. Honestly, looking back at it now, those were some of the most difficult fasts I’ve observed. Thankfully, at AD, I’ve found a balance that allows me to fully engage in work while also stepping back when necessary for prayers.

Fully immersed in my tasks, I feel a sense of purpose, knowing that I’ve fulfilled my religious obligations without compromising the quality of my work. I am quite proud that I am able to commute to work and fulfil my day of responsibilities and return home where I then have to assist in preparing the iftar meal. I then find a small window to read my Quran and then I’m out again for Taraweeh prayers – reentering my home at around 10pm, a day which started at 8am. For me this makes me feel empowered that I can manage multiple tasks, both in my professional and personal environments and these skills are fundamental in the PR industry as it is essential to be able to handle multiple accounts and find a balance between it all.

Tips for Navigating Ramadan in the Workplace:

  1. Take a few minutes to educate yourself about Ramadan, showing consideration for fasting colleagues and relieving them of the burden of repeated explanations. If questions arise, inquire about their unique Ramadan experiences that go beyond just the concept of fasting.
  2. Avoid pitying fasting individuals, as Ramadan holds deep significance for many Muslims. Instead, express admiration and respect for their dedication.
  3. Offer empathy and support to working Muslims during this demanding month, accommodating their need to log off promptly for meal preparation or communal iftars.
  4. Plan meetings earlier in the day to accommodate those fasting as their energy levels will be much higher.

In the modern era of work, Ramadan invites us to find balance amidst the blessings and complexities of life. By embracing flexibility and honouring our religious commitments, we navigate challenges with grace and resilience. Ramadan provides me with an excellent opportunity to engage in introspection and prepare myself for the upcoming year. It enables me not only to deepen my understanding of my religion but also to adjust my lifestyle effectively, building a routine that harmonises with my work, personal interests, and overall well-being. I am very grateful to be able to find a balance in my schedule to balance both my commitments.

This Ramadan, let’s challenge ourselves to think critically about how our workplaces can better support employees who observe religious practices. How can we create more inclusive environments where everyone has the flexibility to balance their spiritual growth and career commitment? May this Ramadan be a time of renewal, growth, and blessings for all.

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