Photos: magicatwork & shimelle
Ok, I admit it. The world of social media is incredible. It has opened up possibilities many of us could have only dreamed of, however, even this now ubiquitous method of communications does have its pitfalls.
One of its limitations became apparent to me on Father’s Day back in June this year. A number of my friends had written lovely posts on social media about their Dads. They were all touching and heartfelt for sure. But, then it occurred to me: how many of these dads are actually on these social media channels? And, how many of them would have actually preferred to receive a physical card instead, something tangible to put on the shelf, keep and cherish.
Recent research conducted by Royal Mail revealed that over half of UK mums said they would feel ‘dissatisfied’ if the only post they received on Mothering Sunday was via social media, instead of a handwritten card.
The good news is smart tech entrepreneurs have addressed this need in the digital age, often bringing together the best of social and print, by creating websites and apps that enable the user to create exciting, fun and personal gifts and cards for all these special occasions. One such example is Touchnote – a mobile app for smartphones and a website for sending printed, personalised postcards and greeting cards. I’ve used it many times for sending my friends across the world personalised birthday and Christmas cards and they’ve loved receiving them.
Maybe it’s the way I was raised, but I believe it is so much more meaningful to receive a physical card rather than, for example, a Facebook message, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of the amazing technology we have at our finger tips to make that card as personal and relevant as possible.
So, with my birthday just a few days away, you now know what I expect 😉