Tag: B2B


Transparent video marketing

Author: AD Communications

A leading biscuit brand got itself into a bit of hot milk late last year, when it was accused of dominating YouTube by advertising its products via YouTube celebrities. This sparked a furore over the credibility of many YouTubers’ content, with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) ruling that ‘vloggers’ must be more transparent and upfront about sponsored videos. The ASA ruling stated that vloggers must clearly tell fans when they’re being paid by advertisers, which means that the word ‘ad’ or ‘promo’ needed to be included in the title of the video, or that the video’s thumbnail needs to make it clear that the viewer is about to watch an advert.


What we learnt from our blog in 2014

Author: Patrick Anderson

We’re now mid-way through January 2015, and Christmas already seems like a distant booze and cheese-sodden memory. Well, at least in the eyes of this author. However before we completely close the book on last year, we thought it pertinent – as AD Communication’s first blog of the year – to reflect on a few takeaways from our blog’s performance last year. To paraphrase science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, “a B2B communications agency who ignores its blog history has no past — and no future.” Or something like that.


How eCommerce is fast becoming the industry that stole Christmas

Author: Cerys Traylor

“Cerys, you’re such a Scrooge!” is a sentence I’ve heard often over the years. Friends, family all seem to think I suffer with a case of the “Bah Humbugs”, but I simply find the idea of Christmas arriving before the pumpkins and witches hats have been put away in October, ridiculous. And why must a certain soft-drink giant’s advert determine “Christmas is definitely, no really it is, here”?


Wearing your heart on your wrist

Author: AD Communications

Apparently you can get wearables for pets. No, I’m not talking about tutus for dogs and raincoats for cats. I’m talking about wearable technology, a phenomenon set to cement itself in our daily lives (and perhaps our dogs’ lives too).


What does content marketing mean for brand communications?

Author: Patrick Anderson

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.”

Ernest Hemingway

The way a brand communicates with its target audience is more important than ever and is what, nowadays, increasingly underpins and influences a customer’s buying decision – especially online. In the B2B sector, according to a study by IDG Connect, 86% of IT buyers are already using social media in their purchasing decision process, while users who see tweets from B2B technology brands are more likely to visit their respective websites.


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