

A landmark year awaits and today marks the launch of AD2020 – a campaign centred on influential B2B storytelling. Find out how we can ‘Bring your stories to life’.

Author: Helen Tolino

Today we’re launching our new AD2020 campaign.

It celebrates the many incredible technology milestones we’ve passed in 35 years of building some of the most exciting and disruptive brands in print, packaging and visual communications.

And, as we head into a landmark year for our chosen market sectors, AD2020 looks to the next phase of our continued evolution as an integrated B2B communications agency.

Our campaign strapline is ‘Let us bring your stories to life’. But what makes a great story? In the communications industry, many of us talk about ‘storytelling’ as a way of describing what we do. But we believe that successful B2B communications is about more than carefully crafted words and images.

Whether you’re writing a work of fiction or building a B2B campaign, it starts with the essential building blocks of a story: characters, setting, plot…

As sector specialists, we have a clear understanding of the audiences we’re targeting, their drivers and motivations. We know the communities they belong to, where they congregate, the communications platforms they prefer, the media they consume.

We can visualise their working environments, business cultures and chains of communication. And we have a firm grasp of the macro trends, the social and commercial forces that are influencing their businesses.

We’ve spent more than three decades in our chosen sectors in playing an active part in these stakeholder communities. That’s because we believe that true insight only comes from getting out and cultivating face-to-face relationships to fully understand what’s changing in our sectors. There’s no short-cut.

The empathy we’ve developed for the people we’re communicating with is critical to creating B2B campaigns that go beyond product features and benefits. With a clear understanding of the customer’s pain points and the factors that influence their buying decisions, we can communicate in a way that resonates and motivates a response.

After all, it’s never just about the technology for its own sake. In markets that are all at different stages of digital revolution and reinvention, our role is to engage and inspire customers and help them anticipate, prepare for and profit from change.

To explore our AD story so far and discover more about AD2020, visit www.adcomms.co.uk/AD2020

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