Category: Packaging


How packaging is helping brands to convey trust and authenticity

Author: Cerys Traylor

With customer loyalty harder than ever for brands to build and sustain, companies are returning to basics and renewing their focus on packaging, drawn towards the authenticity that packaging design can convey to differentiate their product.


Millennial behaviour intensifies demand for sustainable packaging

Author: Michael Grass

Millennials, Generation Y or whatever name you want to give the group of people aged between 15 and 35, are increasingly becoming more socially and ecologically aware about the world around them. As touched upon in our blog ‘Why Millennials want to work with eco-conscious companies’, a more green way of thinking (‘environmentality’, if you will) is influencing the type of company this generation associates with.


The benefits and pitfalls of a packaging rebrand

Author: Cerys Traylor

A key component of most product rebrands is packaging. Often the consumer’s first interaction with a product, we all know how important packaging is within the purchasing journey and the emotional response it can elicit. But did you know it can make or break a rebrand and consequently hit sales?


Opportunities in decorative and functional digital printing

Author: Helen Tolino

Digital printing continues to extend its sphere of influence beyond its comfort zone both within the graphic arts sector and beyond. Looking past traditional commercial print applications such as books, magazines, newspapers and printed marketing collateral, the latest printing technologies are increasingly being used within the manufacturing process for a broader range of products. This ongoing migration offers commercial print service providers (PSPs) real opportunities for growth.


Print and Smart Data

Author: Paul Spiers

After the meteoric and unescapable wave of Big Data, the time has come to start thinking about Smart Data.


Packaging trends in 2016

Author: Michael Grass

In our recent blog on the key print trends we expect to see in 2016, we cited research that estimated that the packaging industry will be valued at more than £277 billion by 2020, representing almost 50% of the whole printing market. That is some serious growth forecasted right there…


2016: Key print trends to look out for

Author: Greg Mills

In our blog a few weeks ago, we kicked off 2016 by looking at what we could expect from this year’s drupa. We concluded that there was great cause for optimism, given print’s ongoing resurgence as a powerful marketing and communication tool and its emergence as a creative and effective medium in new vertical markets.


Cinemagraphs in B2B Marketing

Author: Patrick Anderson

The use of cinemagraphs – enriched photographs that feature a minor or repeated movement in some capacity to create the illusion of watching a video – was one of the marketing trends of 2015. Major brands such as Coca-Cola, Netflix and Budweiser explored the format to great effect as they brought their images to life in sleek, artistic ways to grab consumer attention. Their emergence was a subtle touch in a visually hectic online world.


Drupa 2016 – the journey begins!

Author: Helen Tolino

It’s 2016 and that can only mean one thing; it’s less than five months until drupa (31st May – 10th June) and the excitement in the AD office is palpable.


David Bowie: The man who filled the world…with creativity

Author: Paul Spiers

I first discovered David Bowie as a young teenager during his Serious Moonlight tour of New Zealand back in the early 80s. He had gone to visit a Marae and meet with local Maori representatives in Porirua – just north of Wellington, where he was set to play a few days later at Athletic Park. In my local newspaper, the Kapiti Observer, there was photograph of the Thin White Duke, slight of frame, bleached hair, sitting with a tartan blanket on his lap amongst the kaumatua (elders of the tribe) and smiling.


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