Category: Packaging


Why ‘Millennials’ want to work for eco-conscious companies

Author: Patrick Anderson

At last month’s relaunch event of the Carbon Balanced Paper initiative at PwC’s swanky riverside office in London, Mark Thompson, PwC’s Director of Sustainability and Climate Change, said: “The current crop of job applicants we speak to have a clear idea of the type of company they want to work for, and that’s one that represents their own values, especially in terms of the environment.”


The Future of Book Publishing in 2016

Author: Daniel Porter

As a recent migrant from the book publishing world (having worked in the industry for nine years), I followed coverage of The Bookseller’s recent FutureBook 2015 conference with great interest.


The force is strong with this Star Wars cross channel marketing campaign

Author: Michael Grass

Unless you’ve been living under a crash-landed Star Destroyer for the past 12 months, you may be aware there is a new Star Wars film coming out. But of course you know that. Ever since the teaser trailer debuted online over a year ago, it was obvious the film studios were not going to allow you to ignore the imminent release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the seventh chapter in the ridiculously lucrative saga.


The bastion of the brave

Author: Paul Spiers

Last month, I attended the Dynamic Enterprise Summit and Round Tables in London hosted by London Loves Business. It was a pretty impressive line-up on the panel and speakers’ roster for the day including Pimlico Plumbers’ Charlie Mullins; Tim Weller, founder and CEO of Incisive Media and Simon Woodroffe, founder of Yo! Sushi and Yo! Hotels.


All wrapped up

Author: AD Communications

You might have thought that, given its decadent credentials, luxury packaging would not have survived the global financial crisis. But the fact is that it did, and what’s more, it’s now back with a vengeance and forecast to grow by 4.4 percent to 2019, our appetite for luxury packaging is unrelenting.


Why B2B communication still needs to consider the consumer

Author: Shireen Shurmer

B2B marketing is, by its nature, focused on helping brands to sell their goods and services to a commercial buyer, not to the ‘end user’.  A holistic B2B communications approach however will always consider the customer’s customer. When promoting a product to a business, it’s important to also think about how that business will go on to convey the benefits of your product to their customers.


Social media – it’s about quality, not quantity

Author: Kerry Rice

Quality over quantity. It’s a tenet that I’m sure many of us were taught as far back as primary school, but I can particularly remember being taught at high school that, when it came to essay questions, the word count was a limit, not a target. Quality answers delivered the marks, not endless waffle.


Photokina 2014: trends and technology

Author: Greg Mills

As a fan of both photography and technology, I recently joined a throng of similar minded individuals in Cologne heading into photokina, touted as ‘the world’s leading imaging fair’. Wanting to get my photographic hit first, I started in Hall 1 (of 11) with a tour through the Leica Gallery of the photographic collections on display. My favourite had to be the 1960s B&W photos of rock legends such as The Doors, Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones, though by far the most impactful was the collection taken by another rock legend, Bryan Adams, whose graphic series of wounded British war veterans, Wounded: the legacy of war, really pulled no punches.


Digital textile printing? Not just a technology, but a flourishing consumer-centred industry

Attending the FESPA Digital Textile conference a few weeks ago, I was amazed at the diverse panel of speakers who bore testament to the developments taking place in the digital textile printing market.  According to a presentation given by Roy Gilboa at InfoTrends only 600 million out of 45 billion m2 printed textile materials are currently produced digitally. However, there is a staggering growth in the demand for digitally produced items due to the advantages offered by this technology and its ability to meet current production trends. The business opportunity is huge.



Happy 30th Birthday, Ecommerce!

Author: AD Communications

Question: what do retail giants such as Amazon, online SMEs and even occasional eBayers have in common?

Answer: they wouldn’t exist without the world of ecommerce.


Is human interaction a dying form of customer communication?

Author: Alexa Mills

When I first started out on my career path in the world of communications, I was given a very sound piece of advice that has stuck with me (and actually forms the very core of why I’m in this field at all):

 ‘Always remember that people do business with people!’


20 tips on how to avoid a customer communications crash

Author: Shireen Shurmer

I was at the sharp end of a poor customer communications experience recently, when my return flight to the UK at the end of an otherwise perfect holiday was delayed by 24 hours due to a serious engine fault.


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