
What Makes Us Tick?

We’re industry specialists with a passion for excellent marketing and communication and a deep interest in the sectors we’re active in. Read our blog to find out what makes us tick.


Is human interaction a dying form of customer communication?

Author: Alexa Mills

When I first started out on my career path in the world of communications, I was given a very sound piece of advice that has stuck with me (and actually forms the very core of why I’m in this field at all):

 ‘Always remember that people do business with people!’


20 tips on how to avoid a customer communications crash

Author: Shireen Shurmer

I was at the sharp end of a poor customer communications experience recently, when my return flight to the UK at the end of an otherwise perfect holiday was delayed by 24 hours due to a serious engine fault.


Oh Google, you sunk my Authorship!

Author: Michael Grass

“Don’t be afraid! We won’t make an author of you, while there’s an honest trade to be learnt, or brick-making to turn to.”

It’s a Dickensian quote that must’ve rung particularly true to many Google+ users when it was recently announced that Google would no longer be displaying authorship data or tracking authorship mark-up. Alas, a 3 year long experiment that had bloggers and assorted spokespersons vying to position themselves at the top of search engine results has been brought to a grinding halt.


If your toothbrush could talk, and fridges could walk

Author: AD Communications

Imagine if your fridge ‘magically’ restocked itself with milk. Imagine if your cupboard was ‘magically’ piled high with biscuits so your tea never had to live without its faithful friend when you forgot to buy custard creams. Imagine if your dentist appointments were booked for you, without your consent, by a toothbrush that screened your dental health. Well, that last one would be much less pleasant. Imagine a world where you didn’t have to think, where every process was decided for you through the connectivity of objects. Are you imagining that this world exists? Well it already does, and the process is evolving every day. This is ‘the Internet of Things’.


Lest we forget – remembering WW1 in print

Author: Ellie Bunce

On Monday 4 August 2014, people across the country turned out their lights at 10pm, leaving one single light or candle on, to pay their respects to our fallen heroes at the exact time when, 100 years ago Great Britain officially entered WW1.


What does latest evolution of LinkedIn’s publishing platform mean for your content marketing?

Author: Patrick Anderson

In February 2014, LinkedIn announced the latest stage of its evolution by revealing that it was extending its publishing platform to all of its 300 million+ users, pricking the ears of budding thought leaders and their communications agencies worldwide. Following on from the launch of its Influencer program in 2012, which enabled the likes of behemoths Richard Branson, Bill Gates, David Edelman (McKinsey & Company), Joe Pulizzi (Content Marketing Institute) et al to publish content directly on LinkedIn, users will soon be able to publish their own content directly on the platform and reach a wider LinkedIn community.


Get a (social) life!

Author: Kerry Rice

“Anyone who doesn’t love Twitter is an idiot. They’re being a ridiculous Luddite or taking a stance. Twitter is a way of filtering the news. You tailor your own timeline so who you follow reflects your interests.” So said TV history presenter and historian Dan Snow in an interview with The Guardian this summer.


The power of print… in the free city map

Author: AD Communications

Earlier this summer, a friend and I embarked on a mini tour of Europe. As a pair of self-proclaimed culture vultures (geeks), we’ve always enjoyed travelling around and seeing the wealth of history that Europe has to offer. As we ventured around the eight major cities on our itinerary (Cologne, Frankfurt, Munich, Ljubljana, Bratislava, Budapest, Krakow and Prague), print proved to be a vital part of our trip.


Man, Beware Woman

Author: AD Communications

Stepping into the shower at my brother’s recently, I was faced with a stark choice.  Use the MEN shower gel or face the prospect of crossing a marble floor soaking wet, as I went in search of GAL shower gel.


The honour of your presence is requested…

Author: Lucy Williams

A few weekends ago, I attended the Penn Street Beer Festival. Sipping on a cold drink while sitting on a blanket watching the cricket, I got talking to someone – one of those people who just LOVE to chat. They’re my favourite.


The need for geek

Author: Michael Grass

It’s been a busy year of exhibitions here at AD. Ipex, InPrint, FESPA, interpack… and last Sunday marked the closing day of a rather different kind of show I would also have happily attended were it not for a few minor issues, such as money and geography. I am of course talking about San Diego Comic Con ’14.


Decay or display?

Author: Shireen Shurmer

Out and about in our Great Metropolis this weekend, I was struck by the limited use we Brits make of free vertical ‘real estate’ for advertising, promotion or pure aesthetic purposes. Our major cities are full of blank spaces which, used creatively, could meaningfully enhance our grey, urban environment.

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